Lyonerkuchen-real Saarland

by Editorial Staff


Prep Time 30 mins
Cook Time 1 hr
Total Time 1 hr 30 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine European
Servings (Default: 6)


  • 500 g sausae meat, raw, fine, not pre-brewed
  • 500 g Lyoner
  • 500 g Gouda
  • 2 leeks
  • 6 egg (s)
  • 150 grams flour
  • 1 packet baking powder
  • 2 bell peppers, color your choice
Lyonerkuchen-real Saarland
Lyonerkuchen-real Saarland


  1. Cut the Lyoner, Gouda, leek and bell pepper into small cubes, place in a large bowl and set aside.
  2. Beat the eggs until frothy. Mix in the sausage meat and stir well. Add flour and baking powder and stir well again. Add to the other ingredients and mix everything carefully but well. Either spread on a baking sheet or put in baking dishes and smooth out.
  3. Bake at 175 - 190 degrees (depending on the oven) for about 1 hour.
  4. Can be heated well, but is also a pleasure when cold, e.g., on bread.
  5. A green salad and fresh baguette are best served as a side dish.

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