Grandma`s Lentil Soup

by Editorial Staff


Prep Time 45 mins
Total Time 45 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine European
Servings (Default: 4)


  • 300 g lentils
  • 1 ½ liter vegetable stock
  • 1 carrot (s)
  • 1 stick celery
  • 300 g potato (s) (waxy)
  • 1 onion (s)
  • 50 g bacon (breakfast bacon)
  • 2 sausages (Viennese)
  • 0.5 ½ lemon (n)
  • 3 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 4 tablespoon sugar
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce (alternatively Maggi with teaspoon tomato paste)
  • 2 tablespoon olive oil if necessary
  • Cayenne pepper
  • 8 prunes
Grandma`s Lentil Soup
Grandma`s Lentil Soup


  1. Put the lentils in a saucepan with the vegetable stock and simmer for 30 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, clean or peel the vegetables and potatoes and cut into small cubes. Finely dice the breakfast bacon. Cut the sausages into slices.
  3. First fry the bacon without fat in a pan until crispy. Then fry the sausage slices, possibly adding 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Remove the bacon and sausages from the pan and set aside. Now fry the vegetables and potatoes in the same pan for 1-2 minutes, possibly also adding 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. Add vegetables and potatoes to the lentils and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then add the bacon and sausages, quarter the prunes and also add. Now season with plenty of salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and Worcester sauce. Season with enough lemon juice, vinegar and sugar until the soup tastes pleasantly sweet and sour. Serve hot.

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