You should not necessarily use green, hard limes, but rather those that have been stored in the refrigerator for a few days and have already turned a slight yellow color, because they are no longer as sour in taste and more juicy.
Wash splashed limes with hot water before using them, as the peel comes with the cocktail!
So that the juice can later be squeezed out of the lime easily, roll the lime back and forth on the work surface with a little pressure.
Now cut the lime into eighths or cut it into slices, removing the whites in the middle, placing in a glass and adding the ground cane sugar.
(Ground cane sugar is quite difficult to get here, but it can now be found in some supermarkets (albeit at very high prices). In Switzerland, however, ground cane sugar is nothing special and therefore available everywhere.
Tip: Please do not use the coarse, brown sugar, it does not dissolve well, so that you have a sour caipirinha at the top and one that is too sweet at the bottom, and you chew on the coarse sugar all the time. If no ground cane sugar is available, the coarse brown sugar can also be ground finely!)
Mash the sugared limes properly with a pestle so that you get all the juice out of the lime pieces and mix the sugar in the process. Now fill the glass up to with chrushed ice and pour the room-warm cachaca (brand of your choice) over it so that the ice and cachaca are at the same height.
If you don`t like the caipirinha that strong, you should first add approx. 5 cl cachaca and then add 1 cl at the end if necessary - if you use less cachaca, then please only use 3 teaspoons of sugar, otherwise the mixture will no longer be right!
So that the sugar cane schnapps and ice also mix well with the lime and sugar, pour the contents into another glass and return it to the original glass. To ensure that everything is really well mixed, the transfer process can be repeated a few more times. Now fill the whole thing up again with crushed ice until the glass is full. If you like, you can decorate the glass with a slice of lime, put two straws in and you`re done! Saúde!
Tip: Vary your caipirinha with other fruits, e.g. passion fruit! A caipi tastes very tasty for drivers, even without alcohol, instead of cachaca, simply fill it up with ginger ale or Bionade!