Divide the rabbit, rinse and pat dry. Chop half of the rosemary, thyme with the garlic, pepper and salt. Mix with the olive oil. Then coat the meat carefully, cover and leave to stand for 3-4 hours.
Brown the meat well on all sides. Add finely chopped onion and let roast. Deglaze with half a glass of water and continue toasting, stirring constantly. Add more water and continue doing this until the onions have turned a dark color. Make sure that the onion and meat do not burn, but always stay moist. This is best done in a large roasting pan for this recipe.
Finely chop the carrots and celery and add with the bay leaf and 1 sprig of rosemary. Sauté for a minute, add tomato paste and roast. Deglaze with the broth and allow it to evaporate almost completely. Pour in the full bottle of wine, stir and gently simmer covered for about 20 minutes.
Remove the meat, bay leaves and rosemary, purée the entire sauce very finely with the stick and season to taste. Cover the meat with it and let it stand in the oven preheated to 180 ° for another 20 minutes.