Dice the turkey meat to taste, mix in the red curry paste well and let it steep for at least an hour. Roughly dice the peppers and tomatoes with the skin on. Quarter the mushrooms and cut the onions into rings.
Sear the meat in a large pan and let it brown. Add the onions and now salt the meat. When the onions are translucent and a little brown, add the peppers, tomatoes and mushrooms and fry over high heat. The result is liquid, which should be reduced very much if possible. Now season with pepper and add the sugar.
When the peppers are cooked firm to the bite, pour in half a bottle of beer and reduce again. Pour in the rest of the beer and reduce again. (It doesn`t take that long!) Once the sauce has reached the desired consistency, you can stir in a little more cream.
If possible, only season with salt and pepper, otherwise the very light beer note will suffer. Serve with boiled or jacket potatoes.