Recipe for making crispy croissants from puff yeast dough. Perfect for breakfast!
For the test:
Milk – 300 ml
Butter – 250 g
Flour – 600 g (4 glasses of 250 ml)
Sugar – 3 tbsp
Salt – 1 teaspoon
Active dry yeast – 2 teaspoon
For glazing:
Egg – 1 pc.
Milk – 1 tbsp
Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Pour in milk. Knead the dough. Place the dough on a floured board and knead for 5-10 minutes, until elastic. Transfer to a bowl, cover and place in a warm place to double in size.
At this time, place the softened butter between two sheets of parchment paper and roll it into a rectangle approximately 7 mm thick. Cool the resulting rectangle of butter.
Knead the matched dough and knead for 1 minute. Remove the oil from the refrigerator, divide in two. On a floured surface, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer about 20×45 cm in size. Put one part of the butter on half of the rolled dough (along the long side), cover with the other half of the dough. Place the second part of the butter on top. Fold the short sides of the resulting rectangle of dough with butter towards the center, pressing. Roll out into a rectangular layer. Fold in four. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate. Roll out again and fold in four. Repeat the process of rolling the dough two more times, cooling the dough in the refrigerator. Cut the yeast puff pastry in two. Roll half of the dough into a layer 7-8 mm thick (wrap the other half of the dough in a film and place in the refrigerator, or freeze for future use). Cut out triangles from the dough with sides of 20 cm and a base of about 18 cm (six pieces turned out). Do the same with the second half of the test.
Beat the egg with milk. Brush the dough triangles with the egg mixture. Collapse starting from the base. Secure the tip of the dough so that the croissants do not unwind during baking. Put croissants on a baking sheet and leave for 20-30 minutes to proof. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake croissants for about 20 minutes, until golden brown. Serve with jam.