Wash and dry the goose. For the filling, clean the celery and apples and cut into small pieces.
Fry the onion cubes in half of the hot butter, remove. Dice the white bread slices and toast them in the remaining fat so that they are lightly browned.
Whisk eggs, milk and spices together and soak the bread cubes in them. Mix in the apples, celery, onions and raisins.
Stuff the goose with the mixture, pinch it with toothpicks or roulade skewers and season with salt, pepper, sage and mugwort.
Put on a wire rack over the fat pan in the oven, pour in some water and fry according to the weight ** at 200 ° C, fan oven 180 ° C. After half an hour prick the skin below the legs so that the fat can drain off. Douse occasionally with fresh water.
If you want the goose to be nice and crispy, brush it with beer or a strong salt solution just before the end or grill it over for a moment. For the sauce, pour the roast stock into a saucepan and degrease.
Because the liquid is rarely enough for sauce fans, add goose stock or poultry stock (glass) or with homemade stock (see below). Add the crème fraiche, cranberries and the red wine.
Now you have a white - reddish broth in front of you and you will wonder how it should turn into a nice sauce. We do it like the star chefs when they are not on TV and no one is watching them: we don`t reduce, we thicken it until the sauce has a nice consistency. With the classic roux brown (no sauce thickener!). If the sauce is still too light, darken it with a little bit of sugar. Now season with salt, pepper and possibly a pinch of sugar or an additional spoonful of cranberries.
** Per pound you calculate 1/2 hour of cooking time, so an 8 pound goose needs 4 hours.
Here are a few more tips:
- Frozen geese need 24 to 48 hours to thaw in a cool environment, depending on their size!
- You can prepare a stock from the goose by chopping the pieces into small pieces (leave the neck like this, skin the stomach), then fry them in clarified butter, fry 1 small bunch of soup greens briefly, add 1/2 l water and add approx Let simmer for 2 hours at a low temperature, add water if necessary. Finally, sieve and use for the goose sauce.
Alternatively, you can lightly puree the stomach, heart and liver and add to the filling.
- The goose filling can also be prepared a day in advance.
- The filling is also suitable as a vegetable side dish. It may not be for everyone, but many of my guests like them. Personally, I prefer red cabbage or kale and delicious dumplings as a side dish.