by Editorial Staff
Spicy, spicy, appetizing dish for fans of Asian cuisine. If you like simple and interesting recipes, pay attention to this option and repeat it at home.
Cook: 20 mins
Servings: 4
Bon Appetit!
The perfect thai curry with pork recipe with a picture and simple step-by-step instructions. More...
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Such a dish turns out to be not only very tasty, but also incredibly bright and iridescent, it will cheer you up and delight you with its unusual exotic taste and beautiful appearance. Cook: 45 mins Servings: 6 Ingredients Pork – 500 Grams Canned pineappl...
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The perfect crispy thai pork belly recipe with a picture and simple step-by-step instructions. More...
The perfect thai minced pork salad recipe with a picture and simple step-by-step instructions. More...
Delicious pork baked in the oven. The meat is marinated with onions and fresh herbs of basil and parsley. So you can marinate and shish kebab (pork or chicken). Recommend. Cook: 4 hour Servings: 4 Ingredients Pork – 600 g For the marinade sauce: Vegetable...
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Thai Style Sweet and Sour Pork
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Green Beans with Basil and Pork Loin
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Okroshka on Kvass, with Pork, Sausage and Basil
If you like okroshka on kvass, then you will love the version of the cooling summer first course, to which fresh basil is added – it gives additional freshness and a new taste to the dish loved by many. Another distinctive feature of the dish is that the ...
Mild Thai Soup with Tofu and Pork Balls
The perfect mild thai soup with tofu and pork balls recipe with a picture and simple step-by-step instructions. More...
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