Wash off the wild fruits, remove the stems and remove the bloom. Cores do not need to be removed. Put together with the water and the ingredients cinnamon, clove, citric acid, lemon and vanilla sugar in a saucepan and simmer for about 15-20 minutes.
Then pass everything through a sieve, process into puree and return to the pot. Now add the sliced banana and the preserving sugar to the puree and simmer for 4 minutes while stirring according to the instructions.
Have the cleaned and hot twist-off jars with the hot lids ready, fill the jam, then close immediately.
It is not necessary to overturn the glasses.
All wild fruits have a high proportion of vitamins C, the rowan berry has the most.
The individual parts can also be modified and the banana can be omitted.
I added them because of the sweetness and because the rowan berries taste slightly bitter. But with this composition you can`t taste it.