Dice the onion and fry in a pan until translucent. Meanwhile, cut the mushrooms into slices, dice the ham and zucchini, chop the garlic and add to the onion to fry in the pan. When the ingredients are a bit seared, add the potato noodles to the pan and continue frying until the potato noodles are golden brown.
Then deglaze with the vegetable stock and cream, add the processed cheese and corn and let everything simmer a little longer. Season with the cumin and, if necessary, season with salt and pepper, but be careful with the salt, because the feta cheese will make it even salty in the end.
Then put the entire contents of the pan in a baking dish and crumble the feta cheese over it.
Place the casserole dish on the top shelf in the stove at 200 ° for 15-20 minutes. When the crumbled feta cheese turns a light golden brown, it`s done.