Beef with Homemade Tartar Sauce

by Editorial Staff


Prep Time 30 mins
Total Time 30 mins
Course Sauce
Cuisine European
Servings (Default: 6)


  • 1 kg beef (boiled beef)
  • 1 leek, sliced
  • 200 g celery, diced
  • 2 carrot (s), diced
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 0.5 ½ bunch parsley, chopped
  • 1 twig (s) lovage
  • 1 teaspoon salt

For the sauce:

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 teaspoons mustard, medium hot
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon cucumber liquid
  • 250 ml vegetable oil
  • 150 g sour cream, sour cream or creme fraiche
  • 2 tablespoon horseradish
  • 2 tablespoon mustard, medium hot
  • 1 shallot (s), finely diced
  • 2 egg (s), hard-boiled, diced
  • 0.5 ½ bunch chives, chopped
  • 0.5 ½ bunch parsley, chopped
  • 1 bunch dill, chopped
  • salt and pepper
  • vinegar
  • Lemon juice
Beef with Homemade Tartar Sauce
Beef with Homemade Tartar Sauce


  1. Wash the beef and pat dry. Put together with the vegetables in boiling, lightly salted water and simmer for approx. 2 - 2.5 hours on a low level. Then let the beef cool down a little and cut into approx. 1cm thick slices. The broth is great for soup.
  2. Remoulade:
  3. (All ingredients should be around room temperature)
  4. Put the egg yolk, mustard, lemon and cucumber juice in a measuring cup and beat into a mass with the mixer. As soon as it has thickened a little, add the oil drop by drop into the mixture, preferably draining from a spoon. This takes a lot of patience. When about half the oil is in the mixture, you can add the rest more quickly. When the oil is used up and the mayonnaise begins to thicken and solidify, you can slowly loosen the mixture with lukewarm water until it has become nice and creamy.
  5. Add the chives, sour cream, dill, parsley, shallot and cucumber
  6. Now season with mustard, a little vinegar, lemon juice, horseradish, salt and pepper, and finally fold in the eggs.
  7. It is best to let it steep in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or overnight.

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