Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet, drain and set aside. Cut the leeks and peppers into not too large pieces. Also, do not dice the chicken breast too large. Prepare about 200 ml of chicken stock.
Heat a wok or large pan to a high temperature. Add neutral oil. Now sear the meat in portions, seasoning it with salt and pepper, take it out of the pan and keep it warm. Then put the vegetables in the pan and fry them with a little color. Then add the meat again, as well as the drained, not too soft-boiled pasta. Add a lot of soy sauce (you should taste the taste).
To keep the Asian pan nice and moist, deglaze with the chicken broth again and again so that the soy sauce can nestle nicely around the noodles. Season to taste with some Chinese spices and pepper. If the whole thing is too neutral for you, add more soy sauce. Don`t worry, it won`t get too salty, as there is no salt here.
The result is the typical Asian noodles, which can be bought everywhere in the typical box, just tastier.