Then distribute these on the bottom of a roaster. Wash the duck, add plenty of salt and then place it on the apples, skin up. Pour water into the roaster until the apples are covered. Put the whole thing without a lid in the oven at about 200 degrees. Now and then add a little water and spread some of the liquid over the duck. Cook the whole thing in the oven for a good 2-3 hours. Then take the duck out of the roaster and keep warm.
Pour off the sauce through a sieve, if necessary brush the apples through a sieve with a whisk and put them under the
Stir the sauce. But be careful, there`s the fat in it! Thicken the sauce with a sauce thickener and add salt and pepper to taste.
You can also eat potatoes, dumplings or croquettes. Red cabbage or Brussels sprouts also go great.
You can of course also prepare it with a whole duck. Then put the apples in the duck.