Wash the fennel and cut off the stalks. Then cut the fennel in half, quarter and eighth if necessary. It doesn`t matter if the pieces of the fennel fall apart. Wash the pak choi and separate the individual parts from the stem. Cut the pieces into pieces of the same size. If you want, you can leave the leaves on. They can also be removed to keep only the white part of the pak choi. Wash and chop the two carrots. Wash the apple and cut it into small pieces. Peel the tangerine and place in individual parts. Prepare the spinach.
Rub a large pan with a little oil. Set the heat to medium. Put the fennel, pak choi and carrots in the pan and cook covered for about 7 minutes. Add two pinches of salt, so simply sprinkle over the whole thing once.
Add the apple pieces and the teaspoon of sugar and stir. Steam again for about 5 minutes, until the apple, pak choi and fennel are already relatively soft. Add the mandarins and press them flat so that the juice squirts out. This gives the salad that wintery feeling, because the taste is sweet and goes very well. Add the spinach and stir everything well and watch for 5 minutes, so stir sometimes and then let stand again. Just before the end, add the ginger powder and fennel powder and stir everything again well.
For those who want to enjoy the fennel and pak choi very soft, leave everything in the pan for another 5 minutes.
The warm salad already has a very good taste of its own, so if you leave out the spices and sugar, it`s not a problem at all.
I like to eat a larger meal alone with these ingredients, but I guess that the portion as stated here is more suitable for two medium meals.