Collect the elderflower on a sunny day (preferably when it has not rained for several days) in an unpolluted area. Place the flowers outside briefly so that the insects can crawl away. Then cut off the stems just behind the flowers and weigh the flowers. Do not wash under any circumstances!
With the mint, the whole stalk is taken, so wash it with water. Wash the limes thoroughly with hot water and cut them open.
Dissolve the citric acid in the water and put the elderflower with the lime slices and the mint stalks in a large container (glass or porcelain if possible), cover and leave in a cool, dark place for at least 2 days. Stir daily.
To prevent mold from forming, a small plate should be placed on the blossom and mint mixture so that only the liquid comes into contact with the air. You can also put a clean stone on the plate.
After the 2 days, filter the liquid through a cloth, then bring to the boil with the sugar and pour into prepared bottles.
Infused with white wine or sparkling wine, a real pleasure - your own Hugo always tastes better.