Soak the peas for 6-12 hours in 2 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of salt (can be longer, I just let them stand overnight). Then pour off the water. You can cook the peas without soaking them, but then the cooking time will be about an hour longer. But the best result is obtained with the soaking method.
After draining, put the peas together with 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, add a little salt. Put the lid on and let it boil. Use a sieve to remove any loose pea peels and foam that may collect on the surface.
Put the cloves in the peeled onion. Cut the pork belly into large pieces. Put everything together in the soup and cook for about an hour.
Remove the meat and let it cool. Let the soup cook for another 30 minutes. Remove the peppered onion, season the soup with salt and marjoram or thyme. Dilute with water if necessary.
Cut the meat into small cubes (remove the fat beforehand) and mix into the soup. Depending on your taste, stir in a little mustard just before serving (do not cook afterwards!).
This nutritious soup is part of the traditional Thursday dish in Sweden. Then you eat pancakes with whipped cream and / or jam.
If you prefer a vegetarian alternative, you can omit the meat and, depending on your taste, add a piece of ginger root to the soup while it is cooking (then remove this together with the onion).