First cut the fruit very small. If you don`t have fresh fruit on hand, you can also use a can of tropical fruit (well drained). Of course, fresh tastes much better.
Divide the fruit into 4 glasses. Now prepare the icing with a squeeze of lemon and some fruit juice according to the instructions on the packet and pour over the fresh fruit.
Finally, whip the cream until stiff, stir into the yogurt and pour the cream yogurt over the fresh fruit. Put the whole thing in the fridge for about 1 hour.
Not just a cocktail, but a tropical cocktail! =) Super! Recommend! Servings: 3 Ingredients Milk – 400 ml Bananas – 3-4 pcs. Orange juice – 400 ml Sugar – 1 tbsp (taste) Ice – to taste Directions Beat everything with a blender or mixer. After beating, add ...