Cheese soup with champignons cooks quickly enough and turns out to be very satisfying and tasty. Intense creamy cheese flavor and mouth-watering mushroom aroma with hints of fresh dill make this first course simply magnificent. Try it! Ingredients Champig...
An excellent and easy-to-cook homemade soup made from a successful set of ingredients: potatoes, champignons, and fine vermicelli! The dish turns out to be very light, hearty, and tasty! Ingredients Champignons – 300 g Small vermicelli – 35 g Potatoes – 2...
Pea soup turns out to be extremely tasty and interesting if you add little fried mushrooms to it! The dish turns out to be thick, rich, and satiating! What you need for a nutritious lunch! Cook: 2 hour Servings: 10 Ingredients Split peas – 300 g Champigno...
A very tasty dish cold as an appetizer and warm as a main course, especially with potatoes. Cook: 1 hour Servings: 4 Ingredients Champignons (choose large mushrooms) – 500 g Bulb onions – 0.5 pcs. White crackers, grated – 2 tbsp Chopped parsley and dill –...
Cooking a hearty and nutritious beetroot soup with mushrooms and beans. Despite the lack of meat ingredients, the dish turns out to be very rich and tasty. As a variety of dinners, this is just a great option. Cook: 50 mins Servings: 4 Ingredients Beets –...