Wash the strawberries, cut in half and de-calyze. Cut 1 thin slice from the middle of each half and sort out the most beautiful slices. Cut the remaining strawberry pieces into not too small pieces.
Line a large bowl with plastic wrap. Start laying out a pattern with 4 small strawberry slices in the middle and continue until the bowl wall is completely laid out. Cut the remaining slices into pieces and set them aside with the other pieces.
Soak the gelatine in cold water according to the instructions on the package.
In the meantime, heat the orange juice with the sugar in a saucepan until the sugar has dissolved. Let the juice cool down to below 80 ° C (very important, otherwise it will affect the gelatine’s gelling power).
Then squeeze out the gelatine and slowly add each leaf to the orange juice, stirring constantly. The gelatine dissolves very quickly, so always stir well!
In another bowl, stir the low-fat quark with the ricotta until smooth. Pour the orange gelatine slowly into the quark and ricotta mixture, stirring constantly. Let everything cool down in a cold water bath until it starts to gel.
Whip the cream until stiff, carefully fold into the mixture and finally stir in the strawberry pieces that have been set aside.
First spoon the mixture into the bowl, then carefully pour in the rest and cover the bomb and let it set in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
Tip the bomb onto a plate and carefully peel off the cling film. Serve and enjoy.