Prepare the coffee about 2 hours before the actual preparation. I always take a large coffee mug (approx. 200-250 ml) with 2 spoons of instant coffee powder. Then simply put the mug aside so that it cools down. When it has cooled down, it is convenient to pour it into a bottle or something else, with which it can be injected well dosed. For example, I use an empty and rinsed beer bottle.
Separate the eggs neatly and place the egg yolks and egg whites in a bowl. Mix egg yolks with sugar, vanilla sugar and (if desired) amaretto with a hand mixer until frothy and creamy.
If a lot of liquid has settled in the mascarpone, pour it off a little. Then add the mascarpone to the egg yolk mixture and continue stirring. While stirring, the mass should increase in strength. If this does not work, add cream-stiff as needed. The cream is good if it drips thickly from the whisk when you take out the mixer. It shouldn`t be liquid.
Give it a try now. If the mixture tastes a touch too much of amaretto and sugar, it is perfect. You should also add seasoning or sugar to the egg white.
Now beat the egg whites in the second bowl until stiff. Then combine the egg white and egg yolk mixture and fold in.
Important: Do not use the mixer for this, but a spoon! The cream is now ready.
Now put the glasses within reach.
Then take a bowl with a slightly larger dia, break the ladyfingers and add them. The pieces should be big enough that you can comfortably take them with a dessert spoon while eating.
If desired, flavor the coffee again with a little amaretto (I take a shot glass, for example) and drizzle over the biscuit pieces with the thumb on the bottle opening, stirring occasionally. The biscuits are right when there are no more bright spots visible, but no coffee has settled down in the bowl either. There can be coffee left over.
Now alternately layer a layer of biscuit pieces and cream on top of each other in the glasses. Make sure that the upper edge remains clean. Depending on the size of the glasses, there are around 2 - 3 layers. Finally put the cream on top. Then put the whole thing in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours until you are ready to eat it. Just before serving, sprinkle a thin layer of cocoa powder over it.
Note: I prepare the glasses in the morning or at noon if I serve them in the evening. The great thing about this dosage form - it can also be taken elsewhere and you don`t have any problems with portioning at the table. Even if the tiramisu does get a little too moist, it can be served great - that`s why this dessert is also stress-free.