Beat the butter until foamy. Add sugar, vanilla sugar, egg, 2 egg yolks and rum.
Mix the flour with cornstarch and baking powder and stir in a tablespoon at a time. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold in.
Line a size 18 springform pan with baking paper (if the wreath is to get bigger, double the ingredients and bake in a size 26 form), spread a tablespoon of batter evenly on the base and slide it under the grill. Distance 20 cm. Bake until light brown and then spread another tablespoon of batter. Process all of the dough in this way.
Heat the apricot jam and spread it on the hot cake.
Cut out a ring in the middle (works well with a glass, turn the glass) to create a wreath.
Melt the chocolate and coconut fat in a water bath, stir well and cover the cooled cake with it.
Color part of the marzipan red and form candles from it. Shape the wick out of yellow marzipan. Place the candles on a star biscuit and attach them to the chocolate icing, which is still slightly liquid.