Wash and peel the beetroot and boil them with caraway seeds in a little water for 20 minutes. Then grate the beetroot, this is best done with a food processor.
Dice the bacon and onions and fry with oil. After the whole thing has gotten color, add the grated beetroot. Add the allspice grains, bay leaves and a little cooking water from the beetroot and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Then season to taste with pepper, salt, vinegar essence and sugar. Careful with the vinegar, the whole thing should get a pleasantly sweet and sour tint. There are also potatoes.
Hot beetroot is a healthy, tasty and aromatic first course. Cook 30 mins Servings 6 Ingredients Beets – 250-350 g (2 pcs.) Carrots – 150-200 g (1-2 pcs.) Potatoes – 200 g (2 pcs.) Tomatoes – 400 g (4-5 pcs.) Onions – 70-90 g (1 pc.) Salt 1.5 teaspoon Sour...