Peel the onions and cut into cubes. Pour the spices into a tea bag and tie the herbs together with kitchen twine.
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and sweat the onions in it, do not let them brown. Add the spice sachet and the bouquet of herbs. Stir in salt, both types of sugar and honey. Pour in both vinegars and bring to the boil.
Simmer gently for about 45 minutes without the lid, stirring again and again. Remove the spice sachet and the bouquet of herbs.
Season the jam with pepper to taste. Pour into small twist-off jars and close. Let stand upside down for 10 minutes, then turn over and let cool.
Can be served warm as well as cold. Lasts about 4 months. Keep in the refrigerator after opening.
The jam goes very well with grilled meat and steaks, and with a little farmhouse bread it becomes a refined accompaniment to cheese and wine.