In a large pan or wok, fry the curry paste in the oil until it smells fragrant, extinguish with rice wine and a little coconut milk. Fry the chopped meat in it and add the rest of the coconut milk. Now add the oyster and soy sauce, the palm sugar, the pineapple pieces with sauce and the cashew nuts. Finely chop the lemongrass and lemon leaves and add to the pan. Cut the vegetables and peppers into small pieces, add to the sauce and cook for a few more minutes.
All types of vegetables that cook quickly are suitable, e.g., spinach, asparagus, broccoli, spring onions, sugar snap peas, etc.
Although Indian cuisine is very specific, a few dishes from it can be noted. The main thing is to find the right proportions of spices and pungency for yourself. So write down the recipe! Cook: 45 mins Servings: 4 Ingredients Chicken Breast – 2 Pieces Bul...