Fry the fresh gyros meat well, then add the whipped cream. Put everything in a large saucepan and let it steep overnight in a cool place.
The next day, prepare the onion soup in an extra saucepan: peel the onions and cut them into slices. Melt the butter and sweat the onion slices in it. Add the meat stock and cook the onions in it. Finally add the white wine.
Cut the peppers into small strips and cook with the onion soup. Then add the onion soup to the meat and cream mixture in the large saucepan. Also add corn, gypsy sauce and chilli sauce and cook everything over low heat for about 30-45 minutes. Attention: The gyro soup must not boil! Finally, add a little salt and pepper to taste.
Tip: The gyro soup tastes best if it is left to rest for an additional day after completion and is then reheated.