Plum – Poppy Seed Cake

by Editorial Staff


Prep Time 1 hr
Total Time 1 hr
Course Baking
Cuisine European
Servings (Default: 1)


  • 500 g flour, 200 ml milk
  • 80 g butter
  • 80 g suar, possibly a pinch salt
  • 1 egg (s)
  • 0.5 ½ cube yeast or 1 pack dry yeast
  • 100 g marzipan raw mixture
  • 4 tablespoon sugar
  • 200 ml milk
  • 150 g poppy seeds, round
  • 1 pinch (s) salt
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch, mixed with a little amaretto, for example
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 kg plum (s) (plums)
  • Milk and jelly for brushing
Plum – Poppy Seed Cake
Plum – Poppy Seed Cake


  1. Dough: Prepare a yeast dough from the ingredients as usual. Prepare the filling while walking
  2. Filling: Roughly grate the marzipan on a household grater and mix with the sugar. Bring the milk and salt to the boil, stir in the poppy seeds and let it boil briefly. Stir in the marzipan-sugar mixture and thicken with the cornstarch. Finally stir in the egg yolks, do not cook anymore!
  3. Roll out the dough into a rectangle of approx. 40 x 30 cm, cut this lengthways into three strips. Spread the poppy seed filling in the middle of the strips and roll them up. Pull out the rolls slightly and place them in a spiral shape in a greased 30 cm spring or tart tin.
  4. Stone the plums and place them upright in the spaces between the dough, brush the dough with milk and then put them in the oven! Temperature 200 ° top / bottom heat, 180 ° hot air, baking time approx. 45 min.
  5. If the cake is brushed with jelly while it is still warm after baking, it will have a nice shine and stay moist for longer.

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