Cut the aubergines into 1 cm thick slices, sprinkle the meat with salt and leave to stand for about ten minutes. Then dab with kitchen paper.
Lightly salt and pepper the aubergines again. Heat a teaspoon of oil in a large pan or grill pan and fry the aubergine slices over medium heat. When they are lightly browned, turn them once. If desired, rosemary can also be sautéed. Let the fried eggplants cool on a plate.
For the marinade, mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper well with a whisk.
Layer the eggplant slices in a sealable bowl. Spread some garlic and marinade on top after each layer. When everything is layered, close the bowl and shake a little so that the marinade is well distributed. Let it steep in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
This goes well with ciabatta and homemade aioli. Also very tasty as a side dish for grilling.