Peel the apples, pears and peaches and cut into pieces. Bring to the boil with the peach juice, cinnamon and white wine and steam for approx. 3-5 minutes until they are only slightly bite. Add the pineapple pieces along with the juice. Peel the gold kiwi, cut into pieces and add to the pot. Mix the pudding powder with the orange juice and sugar. When the fruit and juice mixture starts to boil, add the mixed pudding powder and bring to the boil. Peel the bananas and cut them into large pieces. Puree with the juice of half a lemon and stir into the groats. Let cool down.
The groats will keep for several days in the refrigerator. It tastes good on its own or with yogurt, quark or mascarpone cream.
Delicious and healthy corn porridge, a real storehouse of nutrients. Cook: 25 mins Servings: 3 Ingredients: Corn grits – 1 cup Water – 2 cups Milk – 2 cups Butter – 50 g Sugar – 1-3 tablespoon (to taste) Salt – 1 pinch Directions: Boil the milk. Boil wate...