I always make this compote when I have a glut of one of the fruits mentioned above.
Put the cleaned fruit in the pot, pour lemon juice over it and fill up with water just enough to cover the fruit. Sweeten as you like, usually a little sugar is enough when the fruit is already quite ripe. Stir in a tablespoon of rum, if you like it two. Add the cinnamon stick and the inside of the vanilla pod, or the scraped pod itself.
Put half a bag of vanilla pudding powder in a bowl, remove two or three tablespoons from the still cold water in the pot and dissolve the powder.
Briefly heat the fruit in a saucepan, stir only a little, otherwise it will disintegrate very quickly. When it has boiled for the first time, stir in the dissolved vanilla pudding powder and stir carefully, bring to the boil again and then remove from the hotplate.
If you have plums, add star anise and clove (s) to the pot, this increases the taste a lot. If you like, you can of course do the same with the other types of fruit.
Sugar the rhubarb and let the juice steep, then fill up with water as described above.
A rough guide to the quantities: two kilos of pitted plums needed half a packet of vanilla pudding powder.
What could be easier than making compote jelly? A minimum of hassle – and a delicate delicacy is ready! Cook: 4 hour Servings: 6 Ingredients Canned compote (fruit + filling) – 1 l Gelatin – 2-3 tbsp Water – 150-200 ml Citric acid – 1 pinch Sugar – 1-3 tbs...