Dough for Dumplings

by Editorial Staff

To make dumplings dough, you need wheat flour, milk, eggs, sugar and salt. Moreover, the best dough for dumplings is obtained in ice water, since cold water keeps moisture longer, the dough does not dry out for a long time and when making dumplings sticks well.

This recipe for dumplings dough with the addition of butter can significantly improve their taste.

Servings: 4

Cook: 20 minutes


For 1 kg of dumplings dough:

  • Flour – 600 g
  • Milk – 250 g
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 25 g
  • Butter – 40 g
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon (to taste)
  • Filling – 400-500 g


  1. Melt butter on the smallest heat.
  2. The flour is sieved. Milk is added to the sifted flour.
  3. Then eggs, salt, sugar, melted butter are introduced.
  4. First, knead the dough with a spoon.
  5. And then knead the dough with your hands to medium thickness, since thick dough is difficult to roll out, and it is also difficult to mold dumplings from it.
  6. The dumpling dough is divided into 3 parts. Then a piece of dough is rolled out, adding flour, into a layer 1–1.5 mm thick and cut into square pieces 5×5 cm in size.
  7. Minced meat is placed in the middle of the square (1 teaspoon of minced meat).
  8. Then glue the two opposite ends so that the dumpling looks like a triangle.
  9. Sometimes dumplings are made in a semicircular shape. To do this, cut out round biscuits from the rolled dough, for example with a glass.
  10. Then put the minced meat in the middle (1 teaspoon) and mold the semicircular edges of the dumpling. However, this type of tenderloin leaves a lot of dough, which dries up and requires additional processing time.
  11. Dumplings are dipped in such an amount of salted boiling water that they can cook freely in it. The readiness of dumplings is determined when, after 5-6 minutes of cooking, they float to the surface.
  12. Then, after a couple of minutes, the dumplings are removed from the water with a slotted spoon, placed in a colander, allowed to drain, and transferred to a saucepan. Pour the dumplings with melted butter and shake slightly so that they are covered with butter on all sides and do not stick one to one.

The dumplings are ready. Bon Appetit!

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