Place the macaroni noodles in salted water and cook until al dente.
In the meantime, chop the onion into small cubes, also cut the ham into small cubes and stir the tomato paste in a small cup with approx. 2 tablespoons of water. Put the egg in a cup and stir gently.
When the macaroni are done, put them in the sieve for a moment.
Put a teaspoon of oil in a pan (distribute nicely everywhere, preferably with a brush) and lightly fry the onions and salmon ham. Add the macaroni noodles and turn over and over again with the pan slider. Top with a little cayenne pepper, salt and 1/2 crushed garlic clove, turn again.
When the noodles are lightly seared, fold in the beaten egg and use the spatula to distribute evenly so that it binds. Finally add the tomato paste from the cup and distribute nicely.
Go well with: green salad, beetroot, cucumber salad, etc.