A simple recipe for meatballs in tomato sauce. Each housewife should have this option for cooking meatballs in case you need to quickly feed hungry men.
Cook: 30 minutes Servings: 4
Minced meat (mixed) – 500 g
Egg- 1 pc.
Bulbonions – 1 pc.
Semolina- 2 tbsp
Vegetableoil – 30 ml
Tomatopaste – 2 tbsp
Saltto taste Pepper to taste Water (boiling water) – 400 ml
Peel the onion, wash, chop finely. Put the minced meat in a bowl. Drive in an egg.
Season with salt and pepper. Add half the onion and 1-2 tbsp of semolina. Mix everything well. Fight off the minced meat.
Form meatballs with wet hands. Preheat a frying pan. Pour in vegetable oil. Put meatballs in hot oil.
Fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides (2-3 minutes on each side). Put the meatballs in a cauldron. Boil the kettle.
Put the other half of the onion in the pan. Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for 1-2 minutes. Add the tomato. Season with salt and pepper. You can add 1 tablespoon. a spoonful of sugar. Mix. Pour in boiling water. Boil.
Pour meatballs with tomato sauce. You can add your favorite spices and bay leaves. Simmer meatballs in tomato sauce over minimum heat for 10-15 minutes.
Serve meatballs in tomato sauce with your favorite side dish. Enjoy your meal!
Delicious meat dish for your lunch, and the side dish is the most varied. Usually, meatballs are boiled in broth or soup. We’ll cook the meatballs in the sauce. I love meatballs with delicious gravy. Cook: 40 mins Servings: 6 Ingredients Pork – 500 g or m...
The cake is very light and delicious. I did it with my mother =) Cook: 1 hour Ingredients Dough: 2 eggs 0.5 cups sour cream 1 cup of sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda (not slaked) 1 tablespoon. of cocoa 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon 1.5 cups flour Cream: 0.5 jars of c...