First clean the aubergine, cut it into 3 cm thick slices, sprinkle both sides with salt and let it cry for 15 minutes. In the meantime, clean the other vegetables and cut them into fork-sized pieces. Now take kitchen paper, dry the aubergines and then cut them into fork-sized pieces.
Take peeled ginger and garlic and grate them into a paste. Season with soy sauce, then add oil and thicken with cornstarch.
Peel the onion and cut it into fine cubes. Heat some oil, add the couscous, sweat the onions and couscous quickly until translucent, pour over water, season with salt and let the couscous cook for about 3 - 4 minutes. Take it off the stove, cover it and let it soak for another 4 - 5 minutes, covered. Note: Read the instructions on the package anyway for the cooking times. I use 5 minute pre-cooked couscous, but there are many other brands and varieties on the market as well.
Put a few sprigs of thyme on the baking sheet with a dash of oil and place the fish fillets on top. Brush the fish fillets with the ginger and garlic paste and add a few sprigs of fresh thyme. Put it in the oven for about 7 minutes.
Heat the pan or wok well. Let the oil heat up well and fry the vegetables quickly. Season with salt and chopped fresh thyme.
Ready to serve. First put the loosened couscous on a platter or serving plate, then the vegetables and on top the fish.