by Editorial Staff
Pumpkin spaghetti is delicious and healthy. Try this recipe and you will not regret your time.
Cook: 50 mins
Servings: 4
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Pumpkin-Spaghetti with Shrimps in Greek
In its raw form, spaghetti pumpkin inside is practically no different from other varieties. The vegetable begins to justify its name after heat treatment. With cooked pumpkin, the flesh breaks down quite easily into individual fibers that really look like...
Cucumber Spaghetti Salad with Pumpkin Seeds
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Autumn Spaghetti with Chicken Breast and Pumpkin
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Spaghetti in Creamy Pumpkin and Prawn Sauce
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Whole Grain Spaghetti with Vegan Pumpkin Mugo
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Spaghetti with Pumpkin, Ham and Cream Cheese Sauce
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Pumpkin Spaghetti(Yellow Squash) in Alfredo Sauce
Pumpkin Vegetable Pasta Spaghetti with Italian Alfredo Cream Sauce is as delicious as traditional pasta but even healthier. Bake the pumpkin until tender and divide the pulp into fibers in the form of noodles. Toss with Alfredo’s aromatic sauce based on h...
Pumpkin Spaghetti (Yellow Squash) with Fresh Tomatoes and Ricotta
Tired of pasta or keeping an eye on your figure and afraid of them like fire? There is a decent alternative – pumpkin spaghetti, and you don’t need a single gram of flour to make them! The secret is in a special pumpkin variety, whose fibers look like thi...
Mediterranean Spaghetti or Pizza Spaghetti
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Spaghetti Pumpkin (Yellow Squash) Stuffed with Sausage and White Beans
Bright green spinach, red tomatoes, and white beans look beautiful in orange baked pumpkin halves and resemble the flag of Italy with their colors. Salsiccia and “spaghetti” sausage are also associated with this country in southern Europe. And although th...
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