Cut the leftover meat and sausage into cubes, chop the onions and garlic, cut the cucumber into cubes
Lightly fry the leftover meat and sausage in oil, add the onion and garlic briefly, add sugar, deglaze with vinegar, add Letscho and 700ml water. Season and let everything simmer for 5 minutes. Add the cucumber and bring to the boil. Just before serving, add the herbs.
Arrange creme fraich, sour cream or sour cream on a plate or bowl with a spoon.
Prefabricated meat hodgepodge is a very rich soup based on several types of ready-made meat and pickles. Than the meat hodgepodge is good, that you can cook it quickly. Solyanka is a meat and high-calorie soup. Most of my acquaintances men respect the hod...