Spaghetti New York

by Editorial Staff


Prep Time 30 mins
Total Time 30 mins
Course Side Dish
Cuisine European
Servings (Default: 4)


  • 2 cans mushrooms, or 800 g fresh
  • 2 large onions
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoon herbs, Italian, dried or fresh parsley, thyme
  • 5 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 large can (s) peas
  • 400 g cooked ham
  • 1 glass white wine, dry
  • 3 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 pack gravy
  • 200 ml cremefine
  • 200 ml whipped cream
  • 500 ml meat stock
  • salt and pepper
Spaghetti New York
Spaghetti New York


  1. Cut the mushrooms into slices, finely chop the onion and garlic. Cut the ham into fine, thin slices (1 x 1 cm).
  2. Put the mushrooms, onions, garlic with the herbs in a bowl with a lid and pour the olive oil over them, add a little salt and pepper. Shake everything well and let it steep for about 15 minutes.
  3. Put the contents of the bowl in a high pan and heat until the onions are nice and translucent. Add the ham and 3 tablespoons of tomato paste and continue to fry for about 1 minute. Now pour the meat stock and the wine over it, add the peas and simmer briefly while stirring. Add the cremefine and the whipped cream, stir in the gravy, Worcester sauce and 1 tablespoon tomato paste. Season to taste with salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce and simmer briefly until the sauce is slightly creamy. Thicken if necessary.
  4. Cook the spagetti al dente and serve with the sauce.

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