Peel the onion and chop finely. Roughly dice the vegetables or cut them into bite-sized pieces. Put some oil in a small pan and briefly fry the onion and vegetables with a little salt and a little sugar. Remove the onion and vegetable mixture from the pan and set aside.
Whisk both eggs with two tablespoons of water, a little salt, pepper and thyme as well as the cheese. Put the egg mixture with a little oil in the small pan and place the vegetables on the egg.
Cook over low heat until the egg is no longer runny on the top. I always put a lid on the pan and turn the stove down very low so the omelette doesn`t burn from below.
I like to remove the vegetables with a little water after frying them. This makes a great brew that I can add to the omelette at the end of the cooking time so that it doesn`t burn from below. If you like the omelette even more loosely, you can add some cream or milk or even more water instead of the water. It`s a matter of taste.
My favorite vegetables are broccoli, peppers and leeks. With the leek, I can save on the onion. But everything else is also suitable. What is just there and has to go if necessary.
An omelette sandwich with fresh vegetables and smoked brisket is a great idea for a delicious hearty breakfast. Here you can find crispy bread, soft melted cheese, juicy vegetables, and even aromatic smoked brisket. No one can refuse such a delicious brea...