If you can`t stand it when the garlic whitewashes everything in the tzatziki, but would rather have a spicy side dish, then this recipe is just right.
It is particularly important that you do not use any other vinegar than white wine vinegar and that you let the tzatziki steep as indicated (longer if you like) so that the ingredients have time to develop. The restaurant owner, from whom I got the recipe, made the tzatziki for her restaurant on sheets.
Tie a tea towel together at the two short ends, hang it up (for example on the knob of a kitchen cupboard) and place a bowl that is not too small under it. Open the three cups of soured milk and empty them, perhaps remove one side of the tea towel, hold it and then hang it up again. The whey now drains off. Either you let the whole thing dribble in this way for 1-2 hours or you wring the cloth out directly. Usually the cups lose almost a third of their volume in liquid alone!
Peel the drained curd from the cloth and place in a bowl. The whey can be poured off; it has no further use in this recipe. If the mass is too firm, you should stir in another cup of pure thick milk so that it becomes smoother - but not runny. You can also stir in a cup of natural yoghurt instead or use it instead of the curd from the start (although I prefer the first variant).
Grate half a cucumber or a whole cucumber and stir in. The cucumber juice can be mixed in as you like. Season well with salt and freshly ground pepper. Add a dash of white wine vinegar (be careful, not too much, as it is very strong and only a light note is desired. For this amount, I recommend 1.5 tablespoons).
Peel a clove of garlic and add pressed to the bowl. By pulling, the taste develops further. If this doesn`t seem like enough, take a second toe. However, you should stick to one toe the first time you try.
Cover the bowl with either foil or a plate and place in the fridge to steep. The tzatziki should steep for at least a few hours, only then will the full taste unfold. I usually leave it in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours and stir it every now and then.
Tastes great with grilled food, on the starter plate or simply with baguette.
Tzatziki Recipe (tzatziki) – Preparation of a Greek cold snack sauce made from yogurt, fresh cucumbers and garlic. Most often, the sauce is used as a dip for vegetables and bread. Cook: 20 mins Servings: 4 Ingredients Natural yogurt – 375 Milliliters Fres...