Heat the clarified butter in the deep fryer or in the pot to approx. 180 ° C (sample: if you dip a wooden spoon into the fat, small bubbles appear)
Make a kneading dough from the specified ingredients. Roll out the dough to a thickness of approx. 3 mm and thread out squares with a side length of approx. 20 cm. Use the pastry wheel to knead another 1-1.5 cm wide strips into each piece of dough, but in such a way that an edge remains all around. Pick up every second strip with the handle of a wooden spoon (as when weaving) and slide the snowball into the hot fat. At the beginning, hold a little together with two forks so that the snowball has a round shape. Bake until golden brown, remove from the fat and drain well.
When cooled and sprinkled with powdered sugar, they are simply delicious!
TIP: You can keep the snowballs in a well-sealed can for up to a week (if they haven`t been eaten beforehand !!)