Fried Potato Casserole with Smoked Pork

by Editorial Staff


Prep Time 40 mins
Total Time 40 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine European
Servings (Default: 4)


  • 1.2 kg potato (s), waxy
  • 3 medium onion (s)
  • Clarified butter or olive oil
  • 500 g Kasseler (neck piece), released, in one piece
  • 200 g sour cream or crème fraiche
  • 200 g cheese (Gouda), rated
  • 1 teaspoon marjoram
  • 0.5 ½ bunch chives
  • salt and pepper
  • liters ⅛ water
Fried Potato Casserole with Smoked Pork
Fried Potato Casserole with Smoked Pork


  1. Wash the potatoes and cook covered for about 20 minutes. Then peel and let cool. Peel and dice the onions. Cut the potatoes into slices.
  2. Fry the potatoes in hot clarified butter or olive oil in a large pan until golden brown. Add 2/3 of the onions and fry briefly. Season the fried potatoes with salt and pepper.
  3. Pat the smoked pork sausage dry and dice. Fry all over with the remaining onions. Now stir in 1/8 l water and the sour cream. Bring to the boil and melt half of the cheese in it. Season to taste with pepper, marjoram and possibly salt.
  4. Put half of the fried potatoes in a greased baking dish. Spread half of the Kasseler cheese sauce on top. Layer the rest of the fried potatoes and again Kasseler cheese sauce. Scatter the rest of the cheese on top.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes.
  6. Electric stove: 200 ° C
  7. Circulating air: 175 ° C
  8. Gas: level 3
  9. Wash the chives, cut into rolls and sprinkle over them. Serve hot.

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