I recently found a recipe and finally brought it to life … A very tasty cake, rather, I would call it a cupcake with a completely non-childish alcoholic coffee filling … just for a cold winter =)))
– 550 ml of cream 35 and more%
– 240 gr flour
– 7 eggs
– 300 gr hazelnuts
– 300 g brown sugar
– 100 grams of white sugar
– 160 gr butter
– 50 grams of caramel liqueur
– 100 ml strong coffee
– 10 grams of baking powder
– Beat 2 eggs with 150 g brown sugar
– Beat the butter with the remaining brown sugar
– Whip 250 ml of cream until thick foam
– Gently mix eggs + butter + cream, gradually add flour and baking powder, mix the dough until smooth
– Chop the nuts (about 200 g). I chopped part in a blender to powder, chopped part. Add nuts to dough and stir
– Cover a detachable mold with a diameter of 27 cm with parchment, put the dough in the mold and bake for 30-50 minutes (depending on the oven) at 180 degrees. Willingness to check with a toothpick
– While the cake is being prepared, we make the filling: whip the remaining cream until foam
– Beat 5 yolks with sugar until dense foam
– Pour strong coffee and cream into a ladle, stir, bring to a boil, stirring frequently. When the mixture boils, reduce heat to low, pour in the egg mixture and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, add liquor, cool
– Partially cut the remaining nuts in half, pour the filling over the cake (I had a lot of the resulting filling volume), sprinkle with the remaining nuts.