First pour boiling water over the mate tea, let the infusion steep for 5 - 8 minutes and pour through a sieve into a saucepan. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. You can evaporate the whole thing on the stove, but not let it boil. Everything should be resolved nicely.
The guarana powder is poorly soluble, you can perhaps filter it beforehand, i.e. before you add the sugar and the other ingredients. It shouldn`t be boiled.
If you fill the whole thing in bottles like me, then the bottles should be rinsed out with boiling water beforehand - because of the germs. Now let the syrup cool down well and put it in the refrigerator, where it can be kept for a while.
To make the matenade or mate lemonade, you pour a small sip of syrup into a glass and fill it up with cold mineral water. I use fizzy tap water for this.
Of course, the whole thing also works without guarana and without fruit syrup. It then tastes different and is not so invigorating.
Choux pastry can be used to make syrup donuts, a traditional Turkish sweet. I tried them on vacation, and I learned the recipe from the chef of the restaurant in the hotel. Rather save it to yourself to be sure to try this beauty! Ingredients Wheat flour ...