Sift the flour, salt and sugar into a bowl and then work the butter into the flour with 2 knives or a pastry cutter. Then knead the dough and only add as much water as necessary to get a smooth dough. Place the dough in foil for 30-45 minutes in the refrigerator.
In the meantime, pit the nectarines and cut them into slices. Heat and melt the jam.
Butter a tart pan or small tins and preheat the oven to 190 ° C.
Roll out the dough and press it into the mold. Arrange the nectarines nicely on the dough. Sprinkle some lavender flowers over it and then pour the jam over it.
Bake for about 35 - 45 minutes until the dough is crispy golden brown. Let cool and serve with whipped cream or ice cream