Snap off the light green tips of your (own) fir trees when they have just opened (around May-June) and wash quickly. Wash the lemons and cut them into slices.
Bring the pine tips with the lemon wedges to the boil in the water and simmer for at least 15 minutes. Let the brew cool down and then let it draw covered for 2 days in a cool, dark place. Stir several times a day to prevent mold from forming.
After 2 days, pour off the brew through a cloth and then filter through a coffee filter to remove as many suspended particles as possible. Bring the sugar to the boil briefly, stir in the citric acid as it cools and then pour it into prepared bottles.
After a day or two, small clouds form in the bottles; these are not mold, but rather plant components. The color becomes slightly reddish.
A refreshing syrup, tastes very good in chilled mineral water or water in summer