Wash, clean and quarter the strawberries and mix with the currant juice, sugar, lemon juice and a heaped tablespoon of jelly powder. Bring to the boil in a sufficiently large saucepan while stirring. Let simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat. Stir in the liqueur and pour it into a prepared glass while it is still hot. Immediately close with a lid or cellophane and keep in a cool place.
This is quite an old recipe. The gelling powder used to be called Opekta.
Cooking very quickly, for breakfast or dinner, with tea or coffee, is just a godsend. I highly recommend giving it a try. Cook: 20 minutes Servings: 5 Ingredients Hard cheese (grated) – 200 g Dill (greens) – 100 g Chicken egg – 2 pieces Sour cream – 200 g...
These wonderful ham and cheese sandwiches can be made for a children’s party. Sandwich recipes are usually straightforward. But to make these sandwiches, you have to find special molds, or work a little, cutting flowers by hand. The effort will pay off – ...