Beat the eggs with the sugar until they are nice and creamy. Then add the flour and the oil mixed with the baking powder and continue stirring. Then add all the other ingredients, but please do not mix them with a spoon with the food processor.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Grease a Guglhupfform (if you want, also a loaf pan or similar) well and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Pour in the dough and bake on the middle rack for about 60 minutes until golden brown.
Let the cake cool for about 1/2 hour, then turn it out.
It tastes very tasty if you brush a mixture of apple juice and powdered sugar onto the cake, which is still warm.
You can also vary the dough according to your taste, with other fruit, nuts, chocolate or cocoa or whatever you want.