Peel the onions and cut into small cubes. Wash the peppers, cut in half, remove the stem and seeds, cut into strips approx. 3 cm long. Cut the tomatoes crosswise at the top, briefly put them in boiling water, remove and peel them. Then cut into wedges, removing the green base of the flowers.
Heat the fat in the pressure cooker and fry the minced meat until golden brown. Add the onions, sweat until translucent. Add the paprika strips and tomato wedges, sauté as well, season. Now mix in the raw pasta, mix hot water with stock and add.
Wipe the edge of the pan and close the pan. Bring the dish to the boil over high heat, as soon as the 2nd ring appears, remove the pan from the hob and wait until normal pressure has been reached again.
Garnish with parsley greens if necessary. Tastes good with 2 - 3 tablespoons of cheese to sprinkle.