by Editorial Staff
This brightly juicy pizza is rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, and fiber. It also contains less fat as the filling uses light, semi-fat-free ricotta and some grated Parmesan, which perfectly complements the flavor of baked butternut squash and juicy Brussels sprouts leaves. Healthy pizza is prepared on a whole grain dough crust, which you can also knead in advance and freeze, or even better – bake the cakes until half cooked and freeze them so that on a weekday when you come home from work, fill the filling and prepare a delicious and quick dinner.
Cook: 35 minutes
Servings: 4
100% whole grain pizza dough
Baked Brussels Sprouts with Butternut Squash and Pomegranate Seeds
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Butternut Squash Lasagna Recipe
For this lasagna, I took one of my favorite vegetables – pumpkin. The puree turns out to be quite dense to become a filling, and the addition of pumpkin pieces allows you to play with the textures. Ingredients: 1 medium butternut squash (about 6 cups, dic...
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Butternut Squash Soup with Ginger
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