The recipe and the information make about 1 liter of the cheesecake schnapps.
Combine the quark, sugar, milk, vanilla sugar and grated lemon zest. Mix with a whisk or mixer until a homogeneous and creamy liquid is obtained. Then fill into a clean, empty 1 l water bottle (important so that there is no bad taste!) Or another sealable (!) 1 l container. Finally top up with vodka or grain, toss and shake everything well.
At this point, the 1 l bottle still fits about 200 ml of alcohol, then it is full. More is also not recommended in order to keep the sweet cheesecake taste. The maximum amount is therefore approx. 200 ml of alcohol for a total of 1 l of the shot.
The shot is intended for direct consumption and can be produced at short notice. If stored in the refrigerator, however, it can be kept for a day in any case. Since the quark can settle, shake well before pouring out again.
Of course, the dish is festive! Exquisite! If you don’t know what to do with lobster, don’t worry! Follow the recipe and amaze your loved one !!! Cook: 30 mins Servings: 2 Ingredients Lobster – 1 pc. Bulb onions – 1/4 pcs. Garlic – 1 tooth Lemon – 1 pc. T...