Knead a shortcrust pastry, pack it well and let it cool for approx. 1 hour, roll out 2mm thick between roll-out rails, loosen the dough with a pallet, cut out hearts, place on baking paper, bake at 160 ° C in a preheated oven for approx. 8-10 minutes, they should still be light. Pull from the tray and let it cool, then turn every 2nd cookie over on the side of the tray and place currant jelly on top, glue together with a 2nd cookie. Dip in chocolate icing, drain a little on a grid, place on baking paper and decorate with small pieces of candied ginger.
If you like, you can of course add more ginger powder, that`s a matter of taste, you can also brush the cookies with a brush, then you don`t need as much glaze, but the result is not that smooth.
They are kept tightly closed and stored in a cool place for up to 4 weeks, I hadn`t kept them longer.
If the dough gets a little too dry, half an egg yolk can be added. The number of cookies depends heavily on the size of the cutter used and the thickness of the dough being rolled out. Mine was about 3 cm tall.
Delicate beef heart, grilled like a kebab or barbecue. Easy peasy! Servings: 5 Ingredients Beef heart (slices) – 500 g Seasonings for meat Salt Lemon – 1 pc. Ground black pepper Directions Cut the beef heart into slices, rinse thoroughly under running wat...